Cooper Screen Academy

Exemption no: 19/04/051

Date granted: 29/04/2019

Date of expiry: 29/04/2022

Date advertised in Tasmanian Government Gazette: 15/05/2019

Relevant exceptions under the Act: Sections 25, 26, 27(1)(f)


This exemption was granted to permit Cooper Screen Academy to advertise for and enrol women only in the screen acting course called 'TV MUMS' on the basis that:

  • Participants of the course do not have to be a Mum themselves, but instead could play a Mum on screen; and
  • The course will encourage and support women to participate and explore screen acting in an environment they may feel more comfortable in; and
  • The course aims to address the under-representation of women on screen by motivating and empowering participants to explore a career in acting.